Dana Tavares LMT, CMTA, FDN

Tree of Life Center for Wellbeing


Dana Michael Tavares L.M.T. , C.P.T. C.M.T.A.  


Maine State Licensed Massage Therapist

Certified Advanced Metabolic Typing Advisor®

NAFC Certified Personal Trainer

IWA Certified Senior Strength Trainer

3rd degree Usui Reiki Practitioner





  Experience, Skill, Aptitude, Curiosity, Dedication, Commitment

Experience: My extensive training over the many years in this profession is very broad, and draws from many aspects of varied healing and treatment modalities such as manual therapy, physical therapy, physical fitness (including corrective exercise training), nutritional training, and energy healing. Alone each of these forms are very effective, but together a much broader range of opportunity for healing exist. In today's complicated world of physical science and Western Medicine it is easy to get fixated on one particular focus, but that is not the way the body works. We must be viewed, and treated, in a holistic fashion. This is the way the body works. "Treat the person who has the disease, not the disease that has the person". This very basic concept seems to get lost in today's technical world.

Beyond clinical and academic experience I bring a lifetime of personal experience that helps me when assembling the complicated puzzle of complaints that are often presented by my clients and patients. As a mature individual I know from experience what it is like when the body does not do what it used to in the younger years. I can appreciate what my older clients and patients are experiencing when they over exert themselves, or when injuries take longer to heal than before. . I have worked in a variety of occupations in the past and know first hand the physical challenges and demand that can be placed on the body. This helps me to help others, especially when investigating the possible causes of their complaints.

Skill & Aptitude: By nature I possess a high degree of mechanical aptitude. I have used this in past occupations in designing furniture, in the construction industry, doing design work for architects, designing machines and techniques in the woodworking industry. My point is, I have a way of seeing how things work, how things are integrated, and a certain level of critical thinking skills. This is a very valuable skill when for example a client / patient is presenting with chronic low back pain or chronic neck and shoulder pain. It is important to not only relieve the pain but to identify and correct the conditions causing the body to respond this way. Sometimes this is all very obvious, other times not so much so, and some detective work becomes necessary.

Curiosity & Commitment: "Look beyond the obvious". Is your low back pain because of the gardening you did the other day? Or maybe it is a neuromuscular issue coming from elsewhere in the body, or maybe a misalignment in the hips due to improper muscle tension or function, or maybe there is a chronic low grade inflammation in the GI track referring pain to the low to mid back? When choosing  your health provider team you want those individuals that have a genuine curiosity and commitment to go beyond the obvious and look beyond the CPT / ICD codes. You want a provider who wants to include you in the process, who respects you and your choices, and listens to what you have to say.



Graduate Down East School of Massage 2 year mind/body

 program (accredited by COMTA,  commission on massage therapy accreditation )

Studies included: Anatomy, Physiology, Pathology, Kinesiology,

 Hydrotherapy, Ethics, Geriatric massage,  Infant massage,

 Pregnancy  massage, Polarity , Structural analysis,  and Deep

 tissue massage.



Professional member : Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals



 Advanced studies include: Orthopedic Massage, Positional Release Therapy, Neuromuscular Massage Therapy, and CHEK Swiss Ball training for rehabilitation and Scientific Core Training. Customized nutrition thru HealthExcel Metabolic Typing®,  Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis, Food Intolerance Testing, and Therapeutic Detoxification Procedures.

Dana has had an active interest in natural healing methods since the early 1980's when he took his first course in Foot Reflexology and then continued on with studies in medicinal herbology, bio-resonant energy healing, Reiki and other natural healing modalities. Dana works with a firm but gentle approach with a dedication to providing a safe and compassionate environment for healing to occur.

The body is a miracle, each cell is a miracle. It is the body's innate design and desire to be well. Every moment the body systems are working to maintain balance, called homeostasis. Improper diet, prolonged stress and physical overuse are examples of ways to overtax the system and set the stage for imbalance, injury and even dis-ease. "I work with the individual to help identify and correct these imbalances to healing by helping the client to understand their genetic nutritional requirements, release chronic muscle tension, adhesions, and trigger points, and help develop strength and flexibility.  Then the body can then regain it's normal functions and healing begins."


We are located in the beautiful Mid-coastal area of Maine, however we work with people all over the country via Skype and teleconferencing. If you are planning on visiting our area and would like to schedule a appointment during your vacation please contact us. Whether it is relaxation or relief from strenuous activities, we can help make your vacation a wonderful experience. 

Our Mission

We are dedicated to the well-being of our clients and patients by providing therapies, education and support for natural wellness.


Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals
© Copyright 2025 Dana Tavares LMT, CMTA, FDN. All rights reserved.